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Laurent Estoppey, soprano, alto, tenor and baritone saxophones presents


Compositions by


Donald Bousted (UK)

Gérard Grisey (F)

Piotr Grella-Mozejko (CAN)

Maurizio Guerandi (CH)

Marc Kowalczyk (F)

Raymond Vauterin (B)

Duncan Youngerman (F/USA)


Videos by


Emily Aiken (USA)

Samantha DiRosa (USA)

Olivier Saudan (CH)

Jonathan Wall (USA)


For more than two decades, Laurent Estoppey, a Swiss saxophonist living in Greensboro, has collaborated with composers around the world and premiered more than 200 pieces.


For this concert, Estoppey is specifically playing pieces he has worked on in close collaboration with the composers (except for Gérard Grisey, who passed in 1990) and commissioned video pieces that create counterpoints to and dialogues with the music.


Nov. 1st 7pm

Bright Leaf Books

227 W 5th St, Winston-Salem, NC 27101


Nov. 2nd 7:30pm

The Carrack Modern Art

947 E. Main St, Durham, NC 27701


Nov. 4th 7:30pm

Greensboro Project Space (GPS)

219 W Lewis St, Greensboro, NC 27401





Gérard Grisey (1946-1998)                         Anubis and Nout (1990)


Piotr Grella-Mozejko (1961)                        Mercurio (2013)*                              video by Jonathan Wall

                                                                    mAlina (2015)                                   video by Emily Aiken


Maurizio Guerandi (1959)                           Outlau (2013)*                                 video by Samantha DiRosa


Marc Kowalczyk (1973)                               Eveil Musical (1995)*


Raymond Vauterin (1932)                            Finally alone !(2014)*                    video by Olivier Saudan


Duncan Youngerman (1956)                       Night flight (2017)*

                                                                     FM air (2016)


Donald Bousted (1957)                                Four comedic studies (2011)


*premiered by Laurent Estoppey